Morocco Earthquake Update

What to Know:

  • The earthquake was felt in most parts of the country, but the most impacted region was the villages in the Atlas Mountains. We are devastated for the families in the regions most affected by this and are partnering with a number of relief organizations that are helping with the situation, linked below.

  • The earthquake severely affected the Atlas Mountains and, to a much lesser extent, the area near Marrakech. The rest of the country was spared any damage and is operating as normal. Specifically, the areas of Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, Tangier, Chefchaouen, the Sahara desert, and the Agafay desert, are all in normal working order and open for visitors exactly as before.

  • In Marrakech, the main damage was sustained in parts of the historical medina. The monuments located there are closed until at least September 22nd or when the local authorities determine that they are safe to reopen.

  • The scale of the damage in parts of the Atlas Mountains is significant, and includes a strong impact on our partner property Kasbah Tamadot, which will be closed for at least a couple of months based on the latest available information.

How You Can Help:

We greatly appreciate the generosity of those who have asked about ways in which you can support the ongoing relief efforts. We have compiled a list of trusted partners that are currently accepting donations:

  • Fondation Orient Occident Fundraiser: The Fondation Orient-Occident, a local NGO, will coordinate with the regional authorities and local associations to help the populations affected by the earthquake through its network of psychologists and humanitarian assistants. Donations can be made via wire transfer to the bank account listed in the linked post.

  • Fundraiser for Education for All Boarding Houses: Education for All, an NGO that runs boarding houses for girls from rural families to continue their schooling, faced severe damages from the earthquake. They are fundraising both to repair their boarding houses and for emergency medical supplies and food for the rural communities. Donations can be made via credit card via the above link.

  • Banque Alimentaire Fundraiser: The Banque Alimentaire is a local food bank that works to distribute donations to populations in need. The money fundraised will go to providing food and supplies to communities who have been impacted by the earthquake. Donations can be made via credit card via the above link. For reference, ~10 MAD = ~1 USD.

Our friends & parnters at Experience Morocco will also be organizing a formal relief effort, to be announced in the coming weeks. While there is a large wave of support in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster such as this one, the efforts to rebuild the villages most affected will take months, and the people who inhabit those regions will continue to need support even after the news of the earthquake has faded from international news. We will provide long-term assistance to the villagers who were most affected by the earthquake and who will likely require significant financial assistance to rebuild their homes. 

Wallis Fairvalley

Co-Owner & Travel Advisor


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